Friday, July 30, 2010

Thing #12: Creating Community Through Commenting

While reading about commenting on blogs, I found it very interesting that sometimes I do not post the comment that I wrote on a blog. I realized while reading "How to comment like a king (or Queen!)" from Cool Cat's blog. I read the blog, write the comment and I just never hit post. Once I have made one comment on a particular blog I keep posting on that particular blog, it is kind of breaking the ice for me.

The other point that I liked while reading about commenting was to ask questions on a blog to encourage posts. It made me realize that for the most part I write the blog as if I was keeping a journal, seems as if I am setting it up so that people won't comment. I should work on this but keep not promises.

My two most recent posts on blogs (that are not Library2Play) where on a mommy's blog and on a blog about horses. Both blogs interest me because I have a personal connections with them, I am a FTM who likes to read about mommy's who have kids about my son's age, I find things in common and some tips there. I also like horses and I came across a blog about horses used for therapy, which I am very familiar with and therefore felt compelled to comment.

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